Tuesday, February 27, 2018

no shirt, no service

Animation showing initial resting state of simcloth shirt and transit to intended character pose.

Monday, February 26, 2018

I've got a flat tire!

Rolling flat tire effect created by moving texture image on static mesh.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

panic mode

A test of a quick face rig, done with bones and a bit of CP weighting.

I used this in my character for my "Summer Memories Image Contest" entry.

(Click to see larger) 

just scraping by

Progression of scraped paint effect I made with procedural materials in Animation:Master.

(Click on any of these to see larger.)

Basic wood grain surface...

White primer layer...

Top layer of color paint added...

I used the effect in my "Summer Memories Image Contest" entry. It appears in the middle area of the house...